Telegram is a popular cross-platform messaging app that is widely used because it offers some enhanced privacy and encryption features as well as support for large group chat features.
1. Unlimited server storage
Telegram provides unlimited storage. This means all your text messages, images media files & documents will be saved on their cloud. You can log out and log in any number of times from any number of devices simultaneously without losing any data, you don’t need to worry about backup & restore. You can view the active sessions and see on which devices are you logged in now. Thereby you can download any file any time anywhere.
2. Media compression
Users can choose whether to compress the image and video or send the uncompressed version. For example, you can send a raw jpeg image either it as raw or compressed. If you want to preserve the quality as such then choose the option send it without compression.
3. Group & Channels member capacity
As of today, a telegram group can afford a maximum of 200,000 members. A channel is somewhat similar to groups, which can accommodate an unlimited number of members. The creator of the channel can decide who can post and other members can view the posts.
4. Username feature
You can communicate with anyone on telegram even if you don't have the contact number of others. This ensures the privacy of the user’s contact number. You can continue to send messages in a group without revealing your phone number.
5. Multi-platform support
Telegram is available for Android, ios, windows phone, windows pc, Mac os, Linux OS, and even through any browser.
6. Multiple sessions
Users on telegram can log in on multiple devices at the same time and able to receive messages on all devices. They can remember their sessions on even browsers too. This is a cool feature. You can keep messages in the draft as well. Suppose you are trying to send a message to another user. You typed a long paragraph and you decided to send it later. The draft message will be synced to all your devices and you can send it from another device.